stop deportation Archive

  • Share/BookmarkTacko, Asuman, Andrew and Proscovia MUST STAY! Justice delayed is justice denied End the degrading treatment of Refugees Grant asylum to Tacko, Asuman, Andrew and Proscovia|Online Petition Template  ...

    Justice delayed is Justice denied. Asylum Now!

    Share/BookmarkTacko, Asuman, Andrew and Proscovia MUST STAY! Justice delayed is justice denied End the degrading treatment of Refugees Grant asylum to Tacko, Asuman, Andrew and Proscovia|Online Petition Template  ...

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  • Share/BookmarkEdson ‘Edy’ Cosmas – gay Tanzanian activist, refugee and activist, on the brink of securing asylum! We are very close to securing Edy refugee status in Britain as a gay Tanzanian....

    Edson Cosmas: on the brink of victory

    Share/BookmarkEdson ‘Edy’ Cosmas – gay Tanzanian activist, refugee and activist, on the brink of securing asylum! We are very close to securing Edy refugee status in Britain as a gay Tanzanian....

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